2007年4月3日 星期二

Summary of "None of Her Business"

After Pat went to see her sister’s newborn baby, she was sitting at the bus station and waiting for the bus to go home. Pat saw a blind woman sits near her and Pat wants to ask her if she needs some help. Then there was a man came to the blind woman and said something to her and took the blind woman walk away. Pat felt strange so she followed them. Pat thought the man wanted to hart the blind woman and she tried to save the woman, but Pat realize the man is too strong for her. Therefore, Pat went to find someone for help, then she found a hot-dog stand, but the hot-dog stand told her to go away and it’s not her business. So Pat had to help the blind woman by her own. Luckily, Pat saves the blind woman and finally they both went home safely.

I think nowadays, people in the big city are colder them old days. People are only care about themselves. So we need more people like Pat.

2 則留言:

Ten 提到...

I think this story is a little tricky, doesn't it? The woman gave the vender a glad smile seems to suggest that something unusual. This part makes me guess that the woman was the real prisoner!

Fee 提到...

Yes,I agree your oppinio. The world really need people like Pat.
The world need more passionate people.

And on line six, a word "hart" seems to wrong. It should be "hurt",right?

I think your final part could be longer. It will be better.